Monthly Conference on 06/07/2018, 10.30 AM at Hotel Prasanth, Malappuram.

Saturday, 31 October 2015

FMD Vaccine with expairy date 10/16 should be completely utilised during this phase of ADCP


Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Data base of Districts as on 30.09.2015 (Urgent)

All officers are directed to submit the details in below given form, for creating the data base (as on 30.09.2015) of AHD institutions. 

Database of Districts (Click here to submit)

Friday, 9 October 2015

FMDCP Guidelines

All implementing officers are requested to ensure the daily entry of vaccinations to ADCP software by SMS at the same day itself. Since all the details recorded in real time software, the nil report or if vaccination done but not reported in the same day will cause many technical problems. Because the squad allowance is disbursed to squad for each days, so note this as very important. 

FMDCP Guidelines

Friday, 2 October 2015

Plan Scheme Progress - Online updation

The financial progress of implementation of various plan schemes is monitored by the Director, Animal Husbandry Department, Thiruvananthapuram. Please click the following link to submit the financial progress in various schemes.
Click here to submit plan progress report directly to the DAH, Tvm.
All the the field level implementing officers can login into the new system with their existing username and password for reporting ADCP vaccination system

Follow the steps given below to submit the plan expenditure made under your control.
  1. Click on the above link (you can see the total allocation, expenditure, balance, expenditure percentage and graphical representation)
  2. Click on the "Expenditure" on the left side navigation bar or on the phrase "Click here to enter expenditure",  just above the table displayed in the window.
  3. Click the Green colour box displayed at the last column (headed as select) of the table 
  4. Enter the details of expenditure such as treasury bill number, encashment date, amount, completed units, remarks (if any) and click blue colour button "Save". You can upload documents, or pictures pertaining to the physical implementation of schemes, the same can be viewed and reviewed by Dept's Heads in real time.