Monthly Conference on 06/07/2018, 10.30 AM at Hotel Prasanth, Malappuram.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Training on Commercial Goatery

Please collect application forms from interested farmers for the proposed commercial goatery training in  attached application form. The SVS/VS may screen it and forward minimum number of applications to the APO.

Application form (PDF)
Application form (JPG)
Application form (MS Word)

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

SLBP Monthly Report

Please submit this report, atleast two days before the monthly conference. This is to ease your work. This facility can be used to automatically generate DD/Cheque receipt and distribute. If any corrections noticed after submission, please intimate over phone (Ph: 04931-225247)

SLBP Monthly Report (Please click here)

Cover Letter and Cheque Receipt (Please click here)

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

SLBP DD/Cheque Receipt Form

Please bring in duplicate, the receipt form for DD/Cheque, duly filled and get it signed from the concerned office, immediately after handing over the instrument. Please mention the invoice no. and date and the scheme name and year in the receipt. Model receipt format is attached here.

Receipt in editable MS Word format

Receipt in PDF