Monthly Conference on 06/07/2018, 10.30 AM at Hotel Prasanth, Malappuram.

Friday, 30 January 2015

Confidential Report Submission

All officers are directed to submit the confidential report for the period of 1.01.2014 to 31.12.2014, on or before 04.02.2015. Please make sure that date is mentioned in self assessment form. Please mention the period as 1.01.2014 to 31.12.2014 instead of 2014. Avoid corrections, over writing and use of whitener. If any corrections, make a fresh report.


CR format 

Monday, 12 January 2015

Computer training for Livestock Inspectors

Please find the order and list of Livestock Inspectors deputed for Computer Training from 15.01.2015-17.01.2015 at IMG Kozhikode

List of Livestock Inspectors (Click here)

Thursday, 8 January 2015

2 Cow + 3 Calves scheme for SC/ST beneficiaries

Please find the guidelines for 2 Cow + 3 Calves scheme for SC/ST beneficiaries. The allotments will be issued soon.

Guidelines (Click here)

Wednesday, 7 January 2015


Those who require identity card issued by DAHO, are requested to furnish the details as per attached format, along with a passport/stamp size photograph. Those who have obtained ID card issued by the department earlier, need not apply again for the same.

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Confidential Report

All the officers as per the attached list are requested to come and sign the confidential report.