Monthly Conference on 06/07/2018, 10.30 AM at Hotel Prasanth, Malappuram.

Friday, 14 November 2014

LSGD Schemes Progress report (Important and Urgent)

All implementing officers are requested to submit the progress of LSGD schemes, in the attached format. Please submit the report of October month at the earliest and thereafter, the report of preceding month should be submitted before the second working day of every month. The report can be submitted through e-mail also.

Report Format (Please click here)

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Furniture Requirement (Submit the report before 10.11.2014)

All are requested to submit the intend for furniture required for the institutions. Those who earlier intimated the demand, also submit the intend as per the attached format (Hard copy submission is compulsory)

Format (Please click here)